Saturday, July 25, 2009

A New Day

Today is the wedding of Nicole and Jared, two dear friends and amazing people. They arrived in Maine a few days ago and these past few days have been very busy with last minute details. It has been fun to watch and participate in their excitement as well as the festivities.

As I edit this, it has been four days since the wedding and it was spactacular! The weather was sunny and warm, but I don't think it would have been any different for the couple if it had rained. They are so much in love!

Weddings always bring a sense of "newness" to mind for me. It's like a fresh start; a clean slate. Years ago I wrote several articles for the town paper (The Gorham Times) and one of the articles reflected my opinion of making lifestyle changes. Each day is a "do over". One reason people don't have success when dieting, for instance, is that they may do well for days or weeks and then fall. They believe they have failed so they continue to fall rather than waking up the next day and starting new. We all have the opportunity to have a fresh start each day; a "do over".

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who Benefits?

As I walked/jogged over the weekend along a winding road on the coast of Maine, I was struck again by the incredible beauty that surrounds me here. What a blessing to have this natural environment; the ocean, the smell of salty air, the lush green grass and trees and even the sound of an overnight rain all truly bring me to a place of gratitude.

Last week I held a fund raising kick off for the 5K I will be running with my sister in October to support the Komen Race for the Cure. Many of my friends and family came to support me and to pledge their donations. This again, brought me feelings of gratitude for all the blessings in my life (not to get too sappy here).

I am fortunate to be in a state of wellness that allows me to be active on a daily basis. In the years I spent working at the hospital oncology department's massage therapy program, there were plenty of patients not able to participate in many regular activities. It has been 3 years since my sister's diagnosis and I can recall a visit to her in Denver during the summer she was receiving treatment. There were many highlights during that visit despite seeing her in such a fragile state. I had incredible fun with my niece, Sofia, and nephew, Brynn, at the community pool. Our friend, Nicole, got us tickets to see David Gray at Red Rock Amphitheater which allowed for a welcome respite. These are the visions I hold in my mind while I am training for this 5K. Believing that the money I raise can make a difference and knowing that others will benefit from my effort.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

83 Days to Race Day

Back from a run early this morning that was one of the best I've had in a long time. I was getting discouraged since I've been experiencing more low back pain in the past 10 days than ever before. I have taken the time to analyze (which I am good at) what I could be doing to set it off and also what I am doing to treat it (chiropractor, stretching, nutritional supplements, massage). I did get some intuitive information that perhaps I need to check out my running shoes since this has been going on for months and I purchased new shoes around the same time (dah?). So, today I wore my other shoes and came home feeling really good! I will see how the remainder of the day goes.

83 more days til the race in Denver. Tomorrow is my big fund raising kick off!! Thanks to all who have helped me put this together including Andrea, Cate, Anne, and Shelly!

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Team" Spirit

I have always been the independent type which is probably why I enjoy running so much. I love the "alone" time. The stories of my youth, told by my parents, are of me trying to do everything "by myself". At the age of 47 I have figured out that sometimes I need a little help and it is often difficult for me to ask for it.

There is a great group of people I work with on a regular basis who inspire me, encourage me and support me just like family; lets call them my Univera team. Being independent challenges me in being part of a team. It is easy for me to give to the team, but not so easy to ask for help from the team. However, the personal growth I am gaining by being a part of this team is immense and it makes me want to be better.

Extending this concept outside of the team, I recently had an encounter where I needed help with my computer. I called the friend who helps me with my web site and she spent some time with me. I admit my weakness when it comes to computers so I draw on one of her many strengths. She was not able to fix the problem so she referred me to someone else and he worked on my laptop for 1/2 an hour, fixed the problem and didn't charge me for his time. Now that was a bonus! Not only did I admit I needed help, but when I reached out for it and got it, it was given in kind. This is often how I choose to operate; paying it forward. It is so nice to have that reciprocated so thank you Nichole and Ryan.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Color Code Adjustment

One thing I know about myself is that I often can make things harder than they need to be. Yesterday I had one of those Oprah "Aha" moments when things suddenly make sense; all the pieces fit together. Realizing this clearly lifted a huge weight from my shoulders in knowing that I can accomplish my goals with less "effort".

Again, as I mentioned last week, I want to have more FUN in my life!. (This is probably another reason I so enjoy spending time with my grandsons.) Anyone who knows the Color Code by Taylor Hartman knows that this is a Yellow trait. I am very Blue, but would love to add in some of this Yellow-ness. Blue's lead with their feelings and Yellow's approach life with a sense of fun and joy.

My run this morning, according to my training schedule, was an "easy" run as opposed to a "speed" or "long" run. After a short time out I looked at my watch and realized I had only been running for 10 minutes and it didn't feel easy, ie. my feet felt heavy and my heartrate was higher than it needed to be. Thus, I was making an easy run hard. Remembering my epiphany from yesterday, I changed the song on my ipod shuffle and slowed my pace a bit. The next thing I knew I was almost home and just getting into it. I could have continued running in this beautiful, long awaited sunshine, but decided not to push it and headed in with a greater sense of accomplishment and joy. I am asking that if anyone has any recommendations for upbeat music that would help to make my running easier to please forward your suggestions to me. They would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Fear Factor

Yesterday I awoke with intense hip pain. Immediately my mind went to fearing the worst that this was going to set me back over the next weeks. I managed to finish up with clients being even more mindful of my body mechanics while giving massage. My chiropractor was able to fit me in for an adjustment and a therapy treatment in the afternoon. Using my better judgement, I left her office and headed home for some bed rest. I was able to catch up on some reading and phone calls so this was time well spent.

Today I am feeling better though there is mild discomfort. This week is the beginning of a structured 12 week 5K training program that continues until the week before my race (90 days away). I am bargaining with myself to continue to train and yet listen to my body so as not to cause further pain or injury. This is what I would be recommending to my clients so I feel it is most sensible to follow my own advice.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Back to Reality

Wow, what a great weekend! The only thing missing was the sun. You know what? The sun was shining this morning when I woke and it has been a spectacular day! I sound a bit high, don't I? I spent the weekend nurturing myself with great food, friends, family and still managed to have some alone time which I desperately craved. I walked or ran each day around the area we visited and things looked so green after all this rain.......

I had a huge dose of reality today though as my husband and I returned home. We made a stop at the store and as I got of the truck a glass bottle fell out of the back seat and fell in the parking lot. It broke as it hit the pavement; spilling the contents. I immediately went into my "fix it" mode and searched the back seat for a plastic bag and began picking up the broken glass. I quickly found myself in a rotten mood. After taking care of my errand at the store, I got back in the truck to complete the journey home and talked myself back into my nurtured, calm self that I had been earlier this morning. It was quite a reality check to see that I could so easily go from one extreme to the other, but also comforting to know that I could get back to that beautiful sense of balance that I appreciate more and more.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Holiday

As I head out of town for the 4th of July weekend I am excited for some R&R and yes that includes a day of rest from training. I have read and heard about runners who run everyday for years without taking a day off and I must say I am not one of them. I do, however, respect that dedication.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A New Day

My idea when I first decided to begin blogging was to allow others (who might be interested) to follow my progress over the next months as I prepare for another 5K. Yes, I consider myself a "runner". I have been running since 1990 and have several races behind me; over the past 3 years my goal has been 2 races a year. It was after a very long period of illness that I truly appreciated running or even just walking as this was difficult for me then.

My idea now is to continue to blog even after the race in October. I have not only set a new personal goal for myself in this training period, but also in my personal life. "I want to have fun"! Need to remind myself of this often, too.

There is a great quote (I hope I get it right), but am not sure who said it: "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always gotten." That is my new motto.