Monday, August 10, 2009

A Day at the Beach

I have been to the beach more this summer than in the past 5 summers combined. In writing that I somehow feel a need to defend myself as if sitting in a lawnchair in front of the water is actually doing "nothing". I admit I have had more down time this past week than earlier in the summer, but I have been waiting for this. Rather than take a week of summer vacation this year, my husband and I have been taking long weekends this month. Half way through the month and I realize how much I needed these shorter weeks and longer weekends.

As I sit in my chair watching the waves, I am also able to admire the surroundings in so many others ways. We have had very good company with us leading to some interesting conversation. I am always acutely aware of my surroundings and most often we are within earshot of a young family with children. Both my husband and I are "kid lovers" so we often look longingly at the parents playing in the sand building sandcastles or flying kites. In fact, one day last week we visited the beach for the first time with two of our grandchildren. It was a lot of work hauling everything in, but so much fun, too.

I love that children can be so present and that everything is so new through their eyes. I have become better at not multi-tasking when I am with my grandchildren because I know this time is short. I want to enjoy it. Yesterday, my husband and I sat rather impatiently waiting for Finn to wake up so we could play with him. Oh, to hear the new words and see him make connections to people and things as we ask him "where is Nana, Papa, book, etc. And this weekend the yougest one, Blake, took his first steps. That was exciting itself, but then our daughter sent us video on the phone to watch it happening over and over! That was exciting. So these are the things I am choosing to remember and keep precious to me when I have days full of "busy-ness". These memories will bring me back to what it feels like to sit and be still like spending a day at the beach.

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