Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where I need to be

This morning I took some time to go through my email inbox to read some emails that I had put off as less important than the ones I address daily. So there were a bunch. I give myself perhaps the first few lines of each and if it doesn't catch my attention then I promptly delete it. It's the same approach I have with reading a book. I give it 100 pages and then make the decision whether or not to continue. This is quite a different approach for my recovering Type A personality. In the past I would have tried to do it all in all areas of my life. I now find that exhausting.

So I opened this email and read some inspirational words stating in general that "we are right where we need to be in the process of living our lives".(http://www.dailyom.com/articles/2009/19622.html) Wow, how profound as yesterday I came to a decision on a matter that I have been working through for some time. This, I decided, was an opportunity for me to see that I am right where I need to be in my life. It may not be where I thought I would be, but it is right just the same.

So if you are reading this, take a moment to go to the link attached to this title and read "The Daily Om". I hope you are right where you need to be, too.

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